Chickens for meat
Chickens bred for their meat are housed in their thousands in huge sheds which are not cleaned out for their entire lives of about 6 week lives.
The species has been genetically manipulated to grow large at a very rapid, unnatural rate.
The fully grown chickens in the supermarkets are only 6 weeks old.
They are forced to live in their own urine and faeces. Their skin is damaged by urine burning and their lungs are damaged due to the intense ammonia smell.
They suffer heart attacks because of their rapid growth and often have broken legs due to the extraordinary weight of their bodies on their tiny bones. Of course with broken legs, they can’t reach food or water, and they are often cannibalized by other chickens because they can’t fight back.
At ‘harvesting age’, they are grabbed by their legs and crammed into crates, then into trucks, by their thousands, without regard for their fragility. They’re then sent off to slaughter.
Image credit Animal Liberation NSW